Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is Your House Clean?

from uglyhousephotos.com
Sharing your thoughts on a social networking site is a bit like inviting people into your house. Coming into your house, visitors get to see who you are--your family pictures, your favorite lounge spot, your kitchen and bathroom.

At home, you get to lock the door and only invite people you know, but on the web, your door is wide open and people from miles away can see right into your house.

Is your home on the web ready for visitors? Or is it dirty or embarrassing?

Employers and colleges are looking at your online presence to see if you're worthy to work with them. Take Cornell notes on these articles and tell me what you think. College Prospects Are Being Watched and Employers Use Facebook

In the comment section, analyze your own online social networking profile to determine if your posts and pictures reflect poor or positive digital citizenship. In my comment section below, explain the changes you made or why you didn’t need to make changes.


  1. I have a myspace that I do not have the password to anymore and i tried to make changes to earlier this year but will not allow me to. Another thibng is that it is now on google when ui research my name and that reflects poor digital citenship and i really need to change it quickly.

    1. Brittany, I'm glad that you're conscious of your image. Remind me to help you erase the Myspace.

  2. i don't think i have to change my profile because i don't have thing to hide.

    1. You have such a common name, so we really want to make sure that your new online image is filled with positives about you so that you aren't mixed up with some other "bad Tony Lee".

  3. The changes I made to my facebook was take down some pictures that was not representing me in a good way. I also deleted some status that contained profanity or just things in a bad manner.

  4. The changes that were made were pictures and the profanity that was used between friends and I. After making this decision I deleted pictures that I felt were inappropriate and didn't reflect my character. However, typing my name into google does not show that I'm a poor digital citizen because it is actually positive. My mom and I had a dicussion about the things I post on my social network when I was a freshman. Therefore, as of now I"m currently watching what I post and barely get on. However, it is very addictive to sign on just to see whats going on in school, other people's lives, and etc.

    1. Excellent response, Kimesha. I think you should still get on the sites, but just be aware of your actions.

  5. I honestly had to earse some things on facebook because people in my family thought it wasnt suppose to be there. Recently I haven't earsed anything because I have learn to be more mindful of what I put on the internet. I know that i reflect the image of my mother and i wouldnt want anyone to think that my mother is a bad mother. I believe that my facebook definitely reflects positive citizenship.

    1. Good to hear that your family is helping you stay safe.

  6. I recently went and changed my facebook and twitter password. It was a password all of my friends have. I know we play harmless jokes on eachother,but someone from the outside looking in will not understand that. Thats why my info was changed so know one would get the wrong empression from the joke we play.

    1. Good point, Cortney. I'm so surprised that people commonly give out their passwords.

  7. My mothers sees everything i post so I make sure I watch what I post

  8. All of you did a great job replying to this one. Thanks!

  9. I do have a twitter; however, I don't get on it as often as my peers. When I do I post whatever I feel like saying. Some are provacative and some are not. I don't have any explicit pictures on there. I will be aware of what I say on there now. Other than that, my page is okay.

  10. I have always had a clean house. I was well prepared and I understood how I was supposed to represent myself socially.

  11. I think thats kind of right you shouldnt wont your friend all in you info thats just me ill tell them what i wont me them to know but not all...

  12. I believe i have a great image online so currently i am satisfied with my occurring status
