Friday, June 8, 2012

Email Etiquette

In Google Drive, complete one of the following scenarios:

1. You had been really struggling in Professor Smith’s class, so you stayed up very late to write the mid-term essay hoping that you would do well enough to improve your grade in the class. Your graded essay however earned a D and the professor made very few comments on the paper. Email the professor. Attach it as a pdf.

2. One week after being hired, you learn that your favorite grandmother in Chicago is in the hospital near death.  It’s 9 pm and you have to leave town immediately to reach   her, but you know you’ll miss work in the morning. Email your employer. Attach it as a pdf.

Send the email to: mrsmillerpayton @

Use these tips to help you create a professional email:
  1. Have a signature with "Thank you," "Sincerely," "Take it easy," etc. and your name. 
  2. Greet with Hi, Hello, Greetings, etc.
  3. Be sure your name is correct in the From field.
  4. Be sure you completed the Subject field
  5. Do not use all capital or all lower-case letters.
  6. Spell check.
  7. Notice difference between “reply to sender” and “reply to all”
  8. Don't forward chain emails.
  9. Use BCC when sending to multiple people.
  10. When forwarding or replying to an email, erase unnecessary information from the post you are responding to.
  11. Re-read to check your tone.
  12. Know how to save and send a PDF attachment.